WWE 205 Live Results (1/24): Alexander vs Neville, Tripp Bradshaw?, Tony Nese Lays Out TJP


Third Match: Cedric Alexander vs. Neville

Neville and Alexander shakes hands before the bell rings. Alexander and Neville goes into the collar and elbow tie up. Neville applies a wrist lock. Alexander with a roll through into a takedown. Neville connects with a hip toss. Neville taunts Alexander. Neville with a wrist lock takedown. Neville applies a side headlock. Neville lands another hip toss that sends Alexander to the corner. Neville says that this is his ring. Neville with an arm-ringer to Alexander. Neville isolating Alexander speed game with his grappling offense. Neville goes for his third hip toss, but Alexander gets back on his feet. Alexander with a leg scissors takedown.

Alexander dropkicks Neville. Neville rolls out of the ring. Alexander with a running boot to the face of Neville. Alexander rolls Neville back into the ring. Neville immediately exits the ring again. Neville whips Alexander back first into the barricade. Neville ascends to the top rope. Neville with a basement dropkick for a two count. Neville stomps on Alexander chest. Neville rams his boot across the jaw of Alexander. Neville lands a knife edge chop. Neville with a boot to the face of Alexander. Neville chokes Alexander with his boot in the corner. Neville with a snap vertical suplex.


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