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Why Bayley Isn’t Ready For The Women’s Title On RAW, State Of The Women’s Division

Photo Credit: Card Subject to Change Podcast
Photo Credit: Card Subject to Change Podcast

This second of four CSR videos is all about the WWE Women’s division. Justin LaBar and Juice Springsteen debate about the two title changes and the Women’s WrestleMania matches that could be.

Then, Josh Isenberg joins the show with a Please Vince segment talking about the recent title changes. Here’s an excerpt of what Josh had to say:

Isenberg: Charlotte is somebody WWE needs to build as a monster, a beast and always wins. Does anyone care about her pay-per-view win streak now? The fact she keeps losing it on Monday Night RAW. I understand you want to build something i nthe division so you think you need to build depth but you’re doing something wrong here my man. You’re putting Charlotte in a huge lose lose situation every championship match on RAW. Bayley is not ready. I’m sorry. She’s not connecting to the WWE Universe the way she did with NXT Universe. That needs to be solved sooner than later.

Josh continues on and explains. See the full video below:


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