WWE SmackDown Results (2/28): Styles vs Harper, Cena On Miz TV, Bray’s Invocation and More

First Match: Becky Lynch vs. Mickie James in a Two Out Of Three Falls Match 

Becky and Mickie goes into the collar and elbow tie up. Becky with a go-behind. Becky transitions into a side headlock. More grappling as Becky applies a wrist lock. Mickie cartwheels out of the wrist lock. Becky irish whips Mickie to the corner. Becky goes for a springboard side kick, but Mickie hops off the ring apron. Becky connects with the baseball slide dropkick. Coming out of the commercial break, Mickie is grounding Becky with a rear chin lock. Mickie kicks Becky in the back. Mickie with a boot to the face for a two count. Mickie applies a half nelson chin lock. Mickie follows that up with a knee strike.

Mickie connects with a snap mare. Mickie goes for another knee strike, but Becky ducks out of the way. Becky with a series of clotheslines. Becky dropkicks Mickie to the corner. Becky connects with the Straight Firearm. Mickie whips Becky face first to the second turnbuckle. Mickie plants Becky with a DDT and scores the pinfall.  Mickie launches Becky back first to the turnbuckles. Mickie with a slingshot stomp to the back for a two count. Becky responds with a spinning back kick. Mickie connects with a flapjack.

Mickie kicks up. Mickie ascends to the top rope. Mickie goes for a flying crossbody, but Becky ducks out of the way. Becky with a rollup and scores the pinfall. Mickie chokes Becky in the corner with her boot. Becky connects with the Bexploder Suplex. Alexa Bliss comes down to the ring. Mickie goes for the Mick Kick, but Becky counters with the side slam. Becky has Mickie in the pinning position, but Alexa Bliss hops on the ring apron to distract Becky. Becky knocks Bliss off the ring apron. Mickie goes for a rollup, but Becky counters with the DisArm Her which forces Mickie to tap out.

Winner: Becky Lynch via Submission 2-1