Why Seth Rollins Vs Triple H Doesn’t Need To Be Advertised As A Match At WrestleMania

seth rollins
Photo Credit: GackHollywood.com

The first of three CSR videos going out this weekend looks at if Seth Rollins vs Triple H needs to be advertised as a match or not at WrestleMania? Here’s a highlight of what Justin LaBar had to say:

Justin LaBar: I don’t think you should have the pressure of a match. Some are thinking it was a work this whole time. No, he was legit injured. It’s one thing to do what he did on RAW to take some strikes and kicks. That’s one thing. But if his knee isn’t ready to do a full match, that’s another thing. It’s not just the physical aspect of his knee, it’s also mental confidence. To know he can go in there and do whatever he’s athletically able to do if called upon. Every trained wrestler will tell you the worst thing you can do is tense up, over-think. Your body needs to stay loose and fluid. Otherwise, increasing chance of hurting yourself or someone else. Advertise one calling out the other, but let this turn into a brawl. Dress it up. Use it as a spot for others to come out and get involved.

The conversation continues with Juice Springsteen and Josh Isenberg in the full video below:


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