WWE RAW Results (4/17): Number One Contender for the Women’s Title Crowned, Braun Strowman Clashes With Big Show in the Main Event!

After a short break, Gallows and Anderson are beating down Enzo in their corner. Enzo tries to get to Cass, but Gallow fells him with a leaping arm breaker. Enzo surprises Gallows with a second rope DDT but Anderson cuts Enzo off before he can tag in Cass. Cass finally manages to tag in Cass. Cass clears the ring. Sidewalk slam by Cass followed by the empire elbow. Running big boot by Cass. Enzo and Cass set up boom shaka la ka, but Gallows runs in. Enzo clotheslines Gallows. Cass boot Gallows over the top rope. Anderson throws Enzo sternum first into the turnbuckle. Anderson pins Enzo.

Winners-  Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows

Miz TV: Featuring The Miz, Maryse, and Dean Ambrose

Miz welcomes everyone to Miz TV. Miz and his wife shocked the world when they joined Monday Night Raw. Before Miz can continue, Dean Ambrose interrupts them. Miz chastizes Ambrose for stepping on their intro. Ambrose asks for a truce since they are both in their hometown. Miz asks Ambrose if he thinks this is a joke. Ambrose says Miz’s suit is the real joke. Miz says he dresses like this because he respects what a WWE Superstar is. Everything Ambrose is is a disgrace to what a WWE Superstar really is. Ambrose makes Superstars look like “Rasslers”. Ambrose might as will put on a fanny pack and Zubas. Miz laments the fact that Ambrose got opportunities that he feels like he should have. Miz calls Ambrose lazy and complacent.



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