josh mathews
Photo Credit: Getty images

Josh Mathews on Being the Commentary GOAT, Impact Wrestling Losing The Hardys and Other Stars, Offers “No Comments” About JBL

josh mathews
Photo Credit: Getty Images

Impact Wrestling announcer Josh Mathews recently did a Q&A with Sportskeeda, and below are some highlights:

Q: You are the self-confessed GOAT on the announce table. Other than you, who else would you say are the GOATs of commentary, both play-by-play and colour?

A: Oh, nobody. There’s no one. The Mount Rushmore of Broadcasting is just me. It’s just my likeness. Four different faces of me.

Q: Who would you say is the in-ring GOAT of Impact Wrestling right now?

A: Lashley. He’s phenomenal, he’s amazing, he’s well, he’s probably the best athlete in the world today.

Q: So a lot of Impact Wrestling Stars have recently left the company, and new stars have come in. How does this affect Impact Wrestling?

A: You know, the wrestling business has always been…I won’t say a revolving door…there’s loyalties and things like that but…it’s just the way this business goes. You don’t stay in one place forever. Guys are going to test the waters at other places and see how that feels. Others are going to come and test the waters here, and that’s one of the most exciting things about being in the business that you have those opportunities.

Q: One of the things that made Impact Wrestling different last year was the presentation of content, thanks to the Hardyz. Will Impact Wrestling look at unconventional ways to promote the current product too?

A: You could get into a whole ratings conversation, and what Total Nonstop Deletion did or didn’t do, and what Alberto El Patron did by coming here, and you can look at those numbers and decide for yourself if things like what we did last year made sense, or if things like bringing in a star like El Patron is better for the company, and you can figure that out for yourself.

Q: Last question about WWE. What’s your impression of JBL, as a person, as a human being?

A: No comments.


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