WWE 205 Live Results: Noam Darr & Rich Swann Finally Face Off, TJ Perkins vs Lince Dorado, Alicia Fox Reunites w/ Scorned Lover

Pre-Recorded Interview

Brian Kendrick is sitting down with Corey Graves in a backstage interview recorded earlier. Graves asks why things are so deeply personal between him and Akira Tozawa. Kendrick says that when Tozawa came to WWE he offered to be his mentor, and wanted to teach him a few things about working in America. He says he was offended when Tozawa turned him down, thinking he was a big star in Japan, and he made a mistake by coming to WWE and falling in love with the fans. Kendrick says he’s done playing around, and Tozawa comes out of nowhere and levels him with a big kick. He sits down in the chair and gives out Lesson #5: Always End an Interview with Impact.

Drew Gulak vs. Mustafa Ali

Gulak takes total control and, as expected, refuses to do any high-flying moves. He stuck to shoulder tackles and stiff lariats, working away on his opponent with side headlocks. Ali came back with a series of clotheslines, then connected with a big kick to Gulak caught up in the ropes. He jumped through the ropes and hit a neckbreaker, then tried to go to the top rope, but Gulak grabbed ahold of his boot. Ali kicked free and went for a frog splash, but Drew got his knees up and rolled up Mustafa for a quick victory. Winner: Drew Gulak

– After the match Gulak got on the mic and called that win “vindication” for his campaign. He claims that high-flying does not work, and listening to the fans will only lead to demise.