WWE NXT Takeover Phoenix Results

WWE NXT Takeover Chicago Results (5/20): Huge Ladder Match Main Event, New Champion Crowned!

Dunne takes Bate over and bends Bate’s fingers in ways they should not be bent. Dunne elbows Bate in the face then stomps on Bate’s head over and over again. Bate fires up and grabs Dunne in a delay exploder suplex. After a running European uppercut, Dunne explodes out of the corner and kicks Bate in the head. Dunne goes for the Xplex but Bate lands on his feet. Bate hits a standing shooting star press! Dunne kicks out. Bate tries another shooting star but Dunne traps him in a triangle. Dunne elbows Bate in the head. Bate picks up Dunne and powerbombs out of it. Bate picks up Dunne and airplane spins him. Bate drops Dunne and falls into a pin. Dunne kicks out. Bate tries to German suplex Dunne but Dunne lands on his feet. Bate jumps off the top and flies right into a forearm by Dunne. Dunne sets up the Xplex but her turns it into a sit out powerbomb! Bate kicks out! Bate and Dunne trade punches. Bate catches Dunne with Bop and Bang! Dunne surprise Bate with an enziguri.

Another strike exchange breaks out. Bate falls into the ropes and falls into the koppo kick! Dunner bounces off the ropes into a head kick. Dunne whips Bate into the ropes but Bate bounces off and almost decapitates Dunne with a lariat! Bate manages to get to his feet first. Bate tries to set up the Tyler driver but Dunne counters and sets up the bitter end. Bate counters that into a spinning DDT! Dunne falls outside the ring. Bate Moonsaults to the outside onto Dunne. Bater rolls Dunne back into the ring. Bate mounts the top rope and hits the spiral tap! Dunne kicks out yet again! Dunns rolls out of the ring. Bate dives out of the ring but Dunne moves out of the way and drives Bate face first into the floor. Dunne rolls Bate back into the ring and hits the bitter end for the win!

Winner and NEW United Kingdom Champion, Pete Dunne!


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