5 Star Wrestling released the following statement after announcing they would have to postpone their 128-man tournament until February 2018.
Earlier today it was initally announced that the first night of the tournament, scheduled for June 10th, was being cancelled. This is the same tournament that made headlines last week after they made a $1,000,000 offer to CM Punk to try and get him to enter the tournament:
JUNE 1ST 2017
5 STAR TOURNAMENT AND SHOWS RESCHEDULED TO FEBRUARY 2018.We have decided to completely reschedule the entire 5 Star Wrestling tournament for February. We know this will be disappointing to many fans as it means we will not be running any further shows in 2017 but we assure you, this is not a decision we have taken lightly and it is a move that will greatly improve the shows we host going forward.
The new dates are as follows and tickets are on sale via 5StarWrestling.co.uk immediately.
The show that was scheduled to take place on June 10th will now take place on February 1stNEWCASTLE ARENA
The show that was scheduled to take place on August 12th, will now take place on February 8thSHEFFIELD ARENA
The show that was scheduled to take place on the July 1st will now take place on February 15thLONDON COPPER BOX ARENA
The show that was scheduled to take place on August 5th, will now take place on February 22ndBELFAST SSE ARENA
The show that was scheduled to take place on June 26th, will now take place on March 1stABERDEEN GE OIL & GAS ARENA
The show that was scheduled to take place on July 15th, will now take place on March 8thMANCHESTER ARENA
The show that was scheduled to take place on September 2nd, will now take place on March 22ndLEEDS FIRST DIRECT ARENA
The show that was scheduled to take place on July 22nd, will now take place in early 2018, we will be announcing the date in the coming days.DUNDEE ICE ARENA
The show that was scheduled to take place on the July 8th will now take place on April 19thBLACKBURN ICE ARENA
The show that was scheduled to take place on June 17th will now take place on April 26thMOTORPOINT ARENA CARDIFF
The show that was scheduled to take place on July 29th, will now take place on May 10thIMPORTANT CUSTOMER INFORMATION
If you have already purchased a ticket to one of the events listed, you will be automatically issued a new ticket for the rescheduled date. For example, if you have already purchased a ticket to the June 10th show in Liverpool, you will be sent a new ticket for the February 1st show in Liverpool.All customers are entitled to a full refund within the next 30 days and can claim that refund by emailing [email protected]
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] we are expecting a large volume of emails so please understand that we will get back to you as soon as possible.
QUESTION: How can I get a full refund?
ANSWERS: Email [email protected]QUESTION: When will the new tickets be sent out?
ANSWERS: You should receive an email detailing that information in the next 7 days, if you haven’t please contact [email protected]