WWE RAW Results (6/5): Bray Wyatt Makes his Presence Felt, Paul Heyman Confronts Samoa Joe!

Roman Reigns vs Bray Wyatt

As soon as the bell rings Wyatt almost hits Sister Abigail. Reigns counters and misses a Superman punch. The show goes to commercial. After the break, Wyatt is punching Reigns limp body in the middle of the ring. Reigns kicks out. Wyatt locks in a rear chin lock. Reigns tries to get to his feet but Wyatt cuts him off. Reigns lifts up Wyatt for a Samoan drop. Reigns knees buckle. Wyatt blast Reigns with a DDT for a near fall. Wyatt goes back to the rear chin lock, shades of Randy Orton. Reigns fights out of the hold. Wyatt lands a big boot. Wyatt mounts the top rope but Reigns pulls him off into a Samoan drop for a two count.

Multiple clotheslines from Reigns. Reigns charges Wyatt in the corner. Wyatt gets his foot up. Wyatt grabs Reigns and sends him shoulder-first into the ring post. Reigns is clutching at his shoulder as he falls to the outside of the ring. As Reigns writhes in pain on the mat, Wyatt appears out of nowhere and destroys Reigns with a running senton. Back in the ring, Wyatt is once again working a rear chin lock. Wyatt whips Reigns into the ropes but Reigns hooks the rope. Reigns lands a stiff right hand to Wyatt before dumping him to the outside. Wyatt gets back in the ring but Reigns kicks him in the face, then clotheslines him in the corner over and over again.

Reigns calls for the Superman punch. Wyatt pops up and crab walks. Reigns rushes in for his punch but Wyatt catches him in midair and uranage suplexes him for another near fall. Wyatt sets Reigns on the top rope. Wyatt ends up getting power bombed off the second rope. Wyatt still manages to kick out. Reigns misses a Superman punch, then hits a Superman punch. Wyatt will not stay down. Reigns sets up the spear. Wyatt immediately rolls out of the ring. Reigns follows and drive bys Wyatt. Wyatt responds with a lariat that almost knocked Reigns head clean off his shoulders. Reigns is almost counted out. Wyatt almost hits Sister Abigail again. Reigns counters and hits the Superman punch followed by the spear for the win!

Winner- Roman Reigns