Impact Wrestling Results (6/22) Lashely and E-Singh-3 Take on James Storm and Alberto El Patron, and More!

Sydal almost gets a three after a backslide. Lee kicks out. After a few leg kicks Sydal hits a standing moonsault. Lee kicks out yet again. Lee catches Sydal with a back elbow. Lee mounts the top rope. Sydal leaps up and takes Lee off the top with a hurricanrana. Lee elbows Sydal in the head for another near fall. Sydal catches Lee with a head kick. Sydal hits the shooting star press for the win.

Winner- Matt Sydal

Earlier today, a little person stops Swoggle and Rockstar Spud from fighting.

Backstage, Allie has a panic attack because Rosemary is nowhere to be found.

During a taped segment, Joesph Park is lamenting the fact that he got himself and Jeremy Borash in this mess. JB offers Park a frozen pizza and a ginger ale (yes, that happened) to cheer him up. JB give Park a pep talk. Park says he is ready and they do the Mega Powers handshake.


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