Complete GFW Impact TV Taping Results For Tonight *Spoilers*

Thanks to WZ reader Edward Ritlop for sending in the following spoilers from tonight’s Impact Wrestling TV tapings in Orlando:

Pope, Josh, & JB are on commentary with Dave Penzer doing the ring introductions. There’s a table & Mexican flag setup & out comes the GFW & Impact champion with his father, in a Luchador mask of course, and his brother, masked too of course. (It definitely doesn’t look like Paige this time!) Alberto thanks the fans, his crazy & beautiful fiancé, & his brother. Some fans started a small “We want Bobby” chant & a louder “No we don’t” response followed. Alberto called Bobby a tough son of a bitch (his exact words) & he would defend his titles against anyone. Lashley comes out calls Alberto an egomaniac & knocks some champagne on the table spraying into fans by the VIP standing room. Lashley asks if Alberto’s son & dad are even allowed to be here? Mil slaps Bobby who laughs & says he hits harder than Alberto. Referees & Scott D’Amore come to settle things down. Apparently there’s a new referee hired-a black man in his 20s or 30s & the rematch will be later tonight. During the break JB announces they’re bring back the X Division Cup-an 8 man tournament which includes stars from Crash, AAA, & Noah-also including talents from Lucia Underground who’ve never appeared here before.

1.  Caleb Konley vs Sonjay Dutt in a non-title match. Sonjay win with a top rope splash. Trevor Lee comes from the crowd to attack Sonjay & says” Just like that, your new X division champ: Trevor Lee.” He leaves with the belt to the back.

2. 8 man tag match. Eli Drake, Chris Adonis, Mario Bakarah, & Fallah Bahh vs The Veterans of War: Wilcox & Mayweather, the returning Grado? Why??? And Eddie Edwards. A definite miss-mash of chapters for this one. Edwards pins Mario with the Boston Knee Party. Drake & Eddie deserve better matches than this. Joseph Park appears after the match with Grado, he Ana’s some document with him & Grado has to leave? Grado perhaps doesn’t have proper paperwork?

3. Matt Sydal vs Braxton Sutter w/Allie. Sutter dominated most of the match but Sydal comes out on top with the Shooting Star Press. Allie tries to comfort Sutter after the match, but he pulls his arm away angrily. I hope they’re not teasing a “breakup” already.

The 8 competitors for the Super X Cup are out to be introduced by JB: In round 1: 1. From Cuba, Sammy Guevara vs Drago. 2. ACH vs Andrew Everett. 3. Taiji Ishimori vs Davey Richards. 4. Desmond Xavier vs Idris Abraham.

4. Desmond Xavier vs Iris Abraham. Xavier wins with an impressive Spinal Tap type move off the top.

5. KO match w/Earl officiating-of course! Rebel (Earl couldn’t keep his eyes off her entrance) vs the Impact & GFW Women’s champion: Sienna w/KM. Rebel’s really improved with her punches & kicks look solid. At one point as Rebel goes outside to go up top, she stomps KM’s hand, & tries to get him with a flying body press, but she’s caught-NO DQ since KM just put her down. Sienna wins eventually with her new guillotine choke submission. Strong KO match.

6. Tag-team match: Davey Richards & Sammy Guevara vs Taiji Ishimori & Drago (this may be an Xplosion match.) Drago & Taiji Ishimori win after Ishimori hits a nice 450 splash on Guevara.

JB introduces Gail Kim. Gail announces she is retiring at the end of 2017, but she intends to return in the ring soon & go out on top.

7. Another X  Division Super Cup match: ACH vs Andrew Everett. ACH wins with a nice-looking brain buster. Really good match.

8. Lashley vs Alberto El Patron for the Unified World Title. Lashley dominates early in & outside the ring. Alberto with a 619 at one point, a double stomp to the back of Bobby, Lashley responds with an impressive flatliner & a big spinebuster. Alberto tries a top move but gets caught with a huge spear-but Bobby doesn’t go for the cover! LAX comes out & attacks Bobby for the DQ? What the hell? Konnan announces Alberto as the new member of LAX, but Alberto feigns exhaustion & never confirms this. Bad finish to a good match. LAX & Alberto leave together after the match with Alberto not saying anything & still “exhausted.” Bobby looks confused & pissed off after to end the show.


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