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James Storm Comments On New Regime In GFW, Impact LIVE Returning To The Road, Original Plans For DCC

James Storm recently spoke with Brian Fritz for Sporting News; you can read a few excerpts below, as well as listen to the interview on Fritz’s Between The Ropes podcast below:

James Storm comments on working for the new regime in Global Force Wrestling: 

“Now in my career, it doesn’t matter to me who is running what because I’m the guy now, I show up and do what’s asked of me. I don’t try to argue why and stuff. I know my role. To me, it’s a physical play — professional wrestling. I didn’t sign up to be the writer. I signed up to be the wrestler. Whatever the writer wants me to do now, I don’t show up and try to b— and say ‘I want to do this’ or ‘My character wouldn’t do that’. That’s not what I signed up for. I signed up to go out and do what they asked me to do and that’s what I do now.”

Storm comments on the original plan for the Death Crew Council (DCC) in Impact Wrestling: 

“There’s a lot of reasons (it didn’t work), but the No. 1 reason that I want to stay is because it wasn’t done the way that I had pitched it and wanted it to be.”

“I had this planned out for this past Slammiversary. We have our match and then EC3 comes in and tries to screw me by hitting me with a beer bottle. One, two, and I kick out. Then Bram and Kingston come down, beat up EC3 a little bit and they fight out and the fourth member comes out, takes off the mask and it’s Jarrett and he hits Lashley with the guitar and then I pin Lashley.”

Storm comments on Impact LIVE returning this summer: 

“It’s really hard to judge who’s over and who’s not. I think with us getting back on the road, it will show management we need to push this guy because he’s really over or we should do something with this guy. It also helps younger talent learn how to work. Not just go out and do all these moves but to learn to work.”



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