Backstage News on WWE Holding Another Superstar Shakeup & Talents Possibly Being Sent Back to NXT

superstar shakeup

According to both and The Wrestling Observer Newsletter, there has been talk of WWE doing another Superstar Shakeup after SummerSlam next month. The first roster shakeup took place after WrestleMania 33.

While it might seem early for the company to do another shakeup so soon after WrestleMania, The Observer is reporting there is definite talk to make some roster changes in the fall. That talk has included the possibility of sending one or more current main roster talents to WWE NXT, a move that has not been done before.

As for who might move, it could be talents who were previously big stars in NXT that Vince McMahon will not push on Raw or Smackdown, despite how over they might be with the live crowd. The move might also be talents who did not get their start in NXT, but are doing nothing on the main roster, so they might be more valuable as top stars in NXT.


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