WWE 205 Live Results (8/15): Akira Tozawa & Titus Worldwide’s Championship Celebration, Cruiserweight Tag Team Action


Titus Worldwide Championship Celebration

Titus O’Neil came out to the ring, which was decked out with a red carpet, and introduced us to the brand new WWE Cruiserweight Champion, Akira Tozawa. Titus personally thanked Akira for bringing gold to the Titus Brand, and said that he was proud of him for all he’d overcome and accomplished. He started dancing and the champion told him to calm down. Tozawa took the mic and said that winning the title was a major accomplishment for him, and the culmination of a long dream that he had finally made come true.

Neville made his way out looking like he hadn’t eaten, slept or showered since losing the title on Raw. He looked terrible. Neville said that he brought honor and respect to the Cruiserweight Championship and defended it with pride, and would get his revenge on Tozawa for taking all of that away from him. He put a countdown clock to SummerSlam up on the screen and said that there was 114 hours left in Akira’s reign, and he better savor each and every one of them because he was taking back the gold on Sunday.

Titus started laughing and told Neville that he looked terrible. He said that Akira is the champion and he calls the shots, and is responsible for all the decisions, so if he wanted a fight it would have to wait until SummerSlam. Neville rushed the ring and Tozawa hit him with a dropkick. They fought out to the floor throwing each other into the barricades and steps and finally made it back into the ring. Neville almost got the upperhand but the champion sent him flying to the outside with a dropkick then hit a massive suicide dive that took them both down. Tozawa stood tall in the ring and held the championship high on Titus’ shoulders as the show went off the air.