WWE RAW Results (8/21): Strowman Assaults Lesnar, John Cena Returns, Huge Tag Team Main Event!

Afte the break, Ambrose misses a dive to the outside. Rollins tries to attack but Matt back body drops him over the top rope. Matt and Jeff hit poetry in motion from in the ring to the outside. Jeff goes up top for the whisper in the wind. Ambrose runs into the ring and pulls Rollins out of the way. Rollins suplexes Jeff. Ambrose is in. Ambrose puts Jeff in a modified STF. Jeff struggles to his feet. Ambrose whips Rollins into the corner onto Jeff. Ambrose and Rollins are making quick tags, taking turns beating down Jeff. Jeff manages to hit the whisper in the wind on both Rollins and Ambrose.

Jeff tags in Matt, who dumps Ambrose over the top rope. Matt grabs Rollins and slams him head first into each turnbuckle. Running clothesline followed by a running bulldog. Second rope elbow by Matt. Ambrose tags in a behind Matt’s back. Ambrose and Rollins hit the Hart Attack Slingblade. Jeff breaks up the pin. Ambrose and Rollins send the Hardyz out of the ring. Double suicide dives by Ambrose and Rollins. Matt side effects Rollins on the apron! Ambrose goes for the lunatic lariat but Matt counters into the side effect. Matt hits the Twist of Fate. Rollins runs into the ring and superkicks Matt. Jeff tosses Rollins out of the ring. Jeff attempts the swanton but Ambrose gets his knees up. Rollins hits the ripcord V-Trigger Jeff falls into the Dirty Deeds by Ambrose. Ambrose pins Jeff.

Winners- Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose


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