WWE RAW Results (9/4) Braun Strowman Battles Big Show in a Steel Cage, and More!

Reigns is in the ring with Cena. Cena is pacing back and forth. Reigns says he has one question for Cena. If Cena is what he says he is why does it take a 16-time champ 20 minutes to beat a rookie. Reigns says Cena strung it out then he crushed his spirits. Or Cena lied last week and he isn’t a good as he thinks he is. That means Cena proved Reigns right. Cena is a lying, fake-a$$, little B*tch. Cena welcomes the Debbie Downer to the show. Cena instructs Reigns to stop trying to use his brain because it’s not his strong suit. Cena says Reigns is thinking of questions but Reigns will get all of the answers to his questions when the fight. Cena says Reigns came out with his fly down. Reigns retorts that he actually busted it. He is the “Big Dog”, remember? Cena says he was looking for Reigns balls but he doesn’t have any. Reigns says Cena would be looking for those but it’s ok.

Cena says his point is Reigns will get every answer he wants at No Mercy. Reigns is going to get beat. Reigns is going to either lose to a guy who lost a step or someone who has been stringing him along for years. Cena says Reigns needs to be taught a lesson in respect. Even a guy like the Miz, who Cena despises, he respects for working for everything he has ever gotten. Cena tells Reigns in plain terms that he doesn’t respect him. The only person living a lie is Reigns. Reigns comes out and says it’s his yard, but the WWE Universe doesn’t agree. He says he is the man, but the WWE Universe doesn’t agree so much. Cena says he is going to win at No Mercy. Reigns tells Cena if he thinks he can beat him do it right here right now. Reigns adds that his is Cena’s moment to finally back up his big mouth. Cena takes a step and leans on the ropes. Reigns says Cena is all talk and that is why he doesn’t respect Cena.