survivor series

WWE Survivor Series Results (11/19) Raw Battles Smackdown, Triple H Proves He Is Still The Cerebral Assassin, Strowman Makes His Mark!

Cruiserweight Championship Match: Enzo Amore (c) vs Kalisto

On the way to the ring, Enzo says… stuff.

Enzo attacks Kalisto as soon as the bell rings. Enzo pounds on Kalisto in the corner. Kalisto fights out of the corner. Kalisto tries the SDS but Enzo escapes out of the ring. Kalisto hits a sunset bomb from the apron into the ring. Enzo kicks out. Enzo stuns Kalisto on the top rope. After a short break, Enzo floors Kalisto with a clothesline. Enzo goes back to the stomps in the corner. Slingshot side slam by Enzo. Kalisto kicks out again. Enzo sets Kalisto up in the tree of woe. Enzo hits his version of sliding d.

Enzo drags Kalisto out of the corner and blasts him with a few cross face strikes. Enzo locks in a side headlock. Kaisto hits a stunner on Enzo. Kalisto sets up the SDS but Enzo avoids it. Enzo puts Kalisto in the tree of woe again. Enzo misses the sliding d. Kalisto hits a top rope moonsault. Spinning head scissors by Kalisto. Death Valley bomb by Kalisto. Kalisto hits the hurricanrana driver. Kalist calls for the SDS again. Enzo escapes to the apron. Kalisto and Enzo fight on the apron. Enzo tries JawDonZo but Kalisto holds onto the rope. Enzo pulls Kalisto shoulder first into the ring post. Enzo hits JawDonZo for the win.

Winner and STILL Cruiserweight Champion, Enzo Amore!