WWE NXT Results (11/22) Pete Dunne Defends Against Johnny Gargano, And More!

After the break, Dunne tries to break Gargano’s fingers. Dunne puts Gargano in a guillotine with a finger lock. Gargano reverses it into a suplex into the corner. Rolling kick by Gargano. Gargano whips Dunne into the ropes. Dunne does a backflip out of the corner as Gargano leaps out to the apron. Dunne charges in and Gargano spears him through the rope. Dunne kicks out. Dunne rolls to the outside. Gargano dives outside and hits a topé into a tornado DDT. Gargano sends Dunne back into the ring. Gargano tries a leaping DDT but Dunne reverses it into the X-Plex. Gargano manages to kick out. Dunne sets up Gargano for the Bitter End. Gargano counters into a DDT. Spinning head scissors into the Gargano Escape by Gargano. Dunne almost taps. Dunne spits out his mouth guard and bites Gargano’s fingers until Gargano is forced to let go.

Dunne tries the Bitter End again but gets dropped into another DDT. Gargano hits the rope but Dunne blasts him with a forearm. Enziguri by Dunne. Gargano bounces off the ropes and obliterates Dunne with a lariat. Gargano starts to crawl to Dunne. Gargano stops and picks up Dunne’s mouth guard. Gargano tosses it and superkicks Dunne. Dunne manages to kick out. Dunne and Gargano trade strikes. Gargano dives through the ropes for another spear. Dunne sees it coming and catches Gargano with a sick elbow to the face. Dunne finally hits the Bitter End for the win!

Winner and STILL United Kingdom Champion, Pete Dunne!



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