WWE Clash of Champions Results (12/17) All Titles On The Line, Shane & Bryan Controversy, New Champ, More

Main Card:

United States Championship Match: Baron Corbin (c) vs Bobby Roode vs Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler and Roode team up and attack Corbin. Roode and Ziggler stomp Corbin in the corner. Corbin rolls out of the ring. Roode and Ziggler clothesline Corbin over the barricade. Roode and Ziggler turn their attention to each other. Roode almost hits the Glorious DDT. Ziggler tosses Roode out of the ring. Corbin appears out of nowhere and clotheslines Roode on the outside. Corbin sends Roode into the barricade. Corbin slams Roode face first into the mat. Corbin whips Roode into the corner hard. Corbin drives his elbow into Roode’s kidneys. Roode ducks a Corbin clothesline. Corbin takes out Ziggler by accident. Roode and Corbin trade strikes. Roode hits a blockbuster off the top for a near fall. Corbin rolls out of the ring. Ziggler tries to Zig Zag Roode but Roode avoids it. Ziggler kicks Roode in the knee and hits the fameasser.

Corbin breaks up the pin. Uranage by Roode to Ziggler. Deep Six by Corbin to Roode. Roode kicks out. Corbin sits Roode on the top rope. Roode pushes Corbin off the top. Ziggler jumps up to the top rope and tries to suplex Roode. Corbin runs in and takes everyone over with a tower of doom. Corbin tries to pin both Roode and Ziggler but neither will stay down. Ziggler escapes Corbin’s choke breaker. Corbin charges in and eats the turnbuckle. Ziggler tunes up the band. Roode ducks and hits a spine buster. Roode tries the Glorious DDT but Ziggler counter and hits a DDT of his own. Roode kicks out. Roode hits the Glorious DDT. Corbin runs into the ring and tries to toss Roode out of the ring. Roode sends Corbin out instead. Corbin pulls Roode out of the ring. Corbin hits the choke breaker on Roode. Corbin sets up the End of Days. As Corbin has Roode in the air Ziggler his the Zig Zag on Corbin! Ziggler gets the pin!

Winner and NEW United States Champion, Dolph Ziggler!