(Photo credit: THOMAS SAMSON/AFP/Getty Images)

Alberto El Patron On Preferring To Play A Heel, Why He Chose To Forfeit The Impact World Title, Thoughts Of A Farewell Tour

Alberto El Patron recently spoke with Jay Reddick for the Orlando Sentinel; you can read a few highlights below:

Alberto comments on why he decided to drop the Impact Wrestling World Championship when he was suspended last summer: 

“When there was a talent meeting about what to do about the title, I raised my hand and said I should give it up. I used to work in a place where main eventers were difficult to work with, and I didn’t want to be that person. ‘Here’s the title; give it to someone else. I’ll eventually get it back, but I lost it and I want to earn it. I’ll take responsibility for my actions.’ ”

Alberto says he prefers to play a villain in wrestling: 

“I love being a heel. I don’t like being a babyface and a good guy. But it’s not always about what we want, it’s what the fans want. [Before] this last storyline, they liked me. You can’t force the audience, though, if they want to boo or they want to cheer. Right now, I’m really having fun — I’m working as a bad guy, doing all the heel things, but still getting cheered by most of the fans. It’s the best of both worlds.”

Alberto El Patron Speaks Out On Why He And Paige Ended Their Relationship

Alberto talks about his future in wrestling: 

“Alberto will continue to do this for two years, then start to think about retirement. I’m not tired of the business, or the fans, or the ring — what I don’t like is what goes on behind the curtain. When I went to Impact, I started to feel like I got my passion back. So I’ll wrestle in 2018, then maybe 2019 I’ll start to think about a farewell tour.”