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WZ Forum Files #10: Do You Want Undertaker to Wrestle Again?

From El Killjoy:

Nope. How’s that song go? “Let It Go”? Just like the new Star Wars, it’s a new era. With new faces. While it’s nice to have the old one’s around, it’s time to let go of the past and instead of depending of it, learning from it to create something new. In other words, focus on new stars. Give them a spectacular build. Give them the chance to shine. Instead of constantly going to the well for a man who gets injured the one time he wrestles every year. He’s done more than enough for us.

From Spidey:

I realize many here feel the ending to Undertaker’s last match was picturesque and perfect, but I disagree. From a narrative standpoint, it was like getting to the end of a Stephen King novel to find out you were reading John Green the whole time. Fans expect spectacle with Taker, because Taker is a spectacle. This is a character that, for almost their entire career, was synonymous with hearses, druids, the whole Dark Western thing. For him to take a few articles of clothing off and kiss his wife…it felt too pedestrian. Like this is something I’d expect John Cena to do, or AJ Styles. Characters grounded in reality. Not an exit from the same guy who tried to sacrifice Stephanie McMahon. For Undertaker to do it, it was like watching Dracula remove his fangs and drop his cape. Not exactly Christmas.

I get that for several this was the best ending they could do, because something something Undertaker never broke character ever. That of course is a lie, he’s done so a lot of times. Whether he was called Mark Callaway repeatedly in the late 90s, or as the biker who’s then-wife got involved in storylines, or even the time he played dress-up as Dirty Harry for a Wrestlemania 21 vignette…Taker’s had several instances where he wasn’t the posterboy of kayfabe. There is really nothing holding him back from a return, as the ending of the last Wrestlemania was as close to a questionable ending as one could get.

John Cena could carry him to a decent bout. Undertaker has name recognition and will still sell tickets. He has nothing left to prove, and it probably won’t be a barn burner, but if a 50 year old Kane can still go at it in the ring, then I don’t see why a 52 year old Taker couldn’t if he took care of himself prior to his match. I still recall how everybody thought Taker was done when his matches with Mark Henry, Batista, and Edge weren’t memorable. Then he turned around and had two classics with Shawn Michaels, so I’m not ready to give up on him just yet.

Call me too optimistic but I feel comfortable with one more Taker fight if it meant having a good worker in John Cena and a more Undertaker-y ending.

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