WWE RAW Results (1/22) Legends Galore, Lesnar Confronts Kane and Strowman, Final Hype For The Royal Rumble!

Intercontinental Championship Match: Roman Reigns (c) vs The Miz w/Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel

Reigns and Miz lock up. Reigns tosses Miz clear across the ring. Miz ducks out of the ring. Miz tries to dive off the top but Reigns floors him with a right hand. Reigns sets up the drive-by. After a distraction from Axel and Dallas, Miz sends Reigns into the ring steps. After the break, Reigns floors Miz with a clothesline. Miz retreats to the corner. Reigns relentlessly batters Miz in the corner with clothesline after clothesline. Running big boot by Reigns. Reigns calls for the Superman Punch. Miz rolls out of the ring. Reigns hits the drive-by, then tosses Miz back into the ring. Reigns misses a shoulder block in the corner. Miz rolls up Reigns (with his feet on the ropes) for a near fall. Miz goes for the It kicks. Reigns counters it into a sit out power bomb. Dallas and Axel pull Miz out of the ring. Reigns hits the drive-by on Axel and Dallas. Reigns takes out Dallas and Axel. Miz attacks Reigns from behind.

Miz tries the Skull Crushing Finale but Reigns escapes and hits the Superman Punch. Miz kicks out. Reigns calls for the Spear. Dallas grabs Reigns foot. Miz hits a clothesline in the corner. The referee kicks Dallas and Axel out. Reigns rolls up Miz but Miz kicks out. Dallas and Axel hop on the apron. Reigns Superman punches them both at the same time. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale! Reigns kicks out! Miz tries the Skull Crushing Finale again but Reigns fights him off. Reigns tries to Spear Miz but Reigns goes head first into an exposed turnbuckle. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale again! It’s over!

Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion, The Miz!

After a video playback, we see Miz removing the turnbuckle pad while Reigns was attacking Axel and Dallas.