Design/Lay-Out Credit: A.B. Morales.

WZ Forum Files #15: Which Raw 25 Legend Should Stay?

From Stingray11214:

If there is ANYONE on Monday night that I would like to see have a nice final run, it would be Teddy Long as a General Manager or kayfabe “advisor”. He was so much fun when he was the GM a few years back. I think he still has some more time left in the tank. As for the wrestler that came out? They would do very little for the current product, except give fans like us ammunition for how badly booked Raw/SmackDown is. And, they would not help the current talent get over or do well.

As for the Divas? They should just go. The Women’s Division has evolved past the Gravy Bowl, pudding, and bra and panties matches that were prevalent in the Divas era. And, yes, that includes Trish Stratus. She was the face of an era that many fans of women’s wrestling would like to forget. If someone like Stratus would reappear, she would HAVE to job to the current roster. No way could you allow Stratus to beat an Asuka or Kairi Sane and keep credibility in the Modern Era.

So, give Teddy Long one last run. It would be a hell of a ride. Okay, player?

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