This week Barrasso starts off by taking an in-depth look at what he knows about Matt Hardy recently taking full control of the trademarks to the “Broken Universe”.
You can read the full report HERE. We have included some highlights below.
Hardy officially owns all of the “Broken Universe” trademarks
Include “Broken” Matt, Brother Nero and Vanguard1
The trademarks were officially transferred at the end of January
Anthem Entertainment provided the following comment to Barrasso regarding the transfer, “We don’t have anything to add to this story, but we are happy to have resolved this issue and are focused on the future.”
The issue was ultimately resolved due to finances
Had Anthem not turned over the trademarks there was the chance of a legal battle between Anthem and the Hardys
“Anthem could have potentially owed money for the usage of Senor Benjamin, King Maxel, and any other characters that never signed releases or were compensated for their work”
There was also a chance the Hardys could sue Pop TV which was not a chance Anthem wanted to take
Anthem now has a Broken Universe DVD that they can add to their Global Wrestling Network catalogue
According to Barrasso Nordholm was given bad business advice regarding Matt Hardy from the beginning by Jeff Jarrett
Jarrett doubted the “Broken” Matt Hardy character and that was one of the motivating factors for Hardy to leave and go to WWE
It is unlikely that Matt Hardy will be “Broken” on WWE TV and he will most likely remain “Woken” since WWE likes to own the patents to their characters