impact wrestling

2/8 Impact Wrestling Results: Aries Speaks Out, OVE Attacks Lashley, New #1 Contender Confirmed

Impact Wrestling Results
February 8th 2018

El Hijo Del Fantasma & Rohit Raju vs Taiji Ishimori & Matt Sydal 

Lots of back and forth action early on, Sydal takes Raju outside while Ishimori hits a golden moonsault on Fantasma on the floor. Taiji and Raju fight back inside, Raju catches him in an elevated armbar, but Taiji makes the tag and Sydal kicks and chops Raju in the corner. Taiji and Sydal double team Raju for a bit, then Fantasma kicks Taiji in the face and Raju hits a modified knee lift for a close fall. Sydal and Taiji make the comeback, with Taiji hitting a lungbuster, and Sydal ends it with a Shooting Star Press.

Winners – Taiji Ishimori & Matt Sydal

Austin Aries is shown fielding questions about his surprise title win and return, and he says he didn’t know he would win the title, but he’s back and you could call him a free agent of sorts. Aries says he’s going around the world collecting titles, then Eli Drake runs in and tries to go after him. Aries says he can get ready for the rematch and tells him to stop crying, then a graphic shows that the rematch is set for next week.


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