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Credit: NJPW/TV Asahi

NJPW 46th Anniversary Show Results. Okada vs. Ospreay. Intercontinental Title Match. New Tag Champs. More.

NJPW 46th Anniversary Show. Live In Progress.

FIRST MATCH: Ryusuke Taguchi, Jushin “Thunder” Liger, Tiger Mask, KUSHIDA & Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs. Ren Narita, Tetsuhiro Yagi, Shota Umino, Tomoyuki Oka & Yuji Nagata.

Young Lions attack their opponents to start, but eventually the legends keep control. Tenzan battles Nagata. All the Young Lions target KUSHIDA and eventually Umino & Oka lock in stereo Boston Crabs but Liger breaks it.

KUSHIDA locks in a Hoverboard Lock for the win.

WINNERS: Ryusuke Taguchi, Jushin “Thunder” Liger, Tiger Mask, KUSHIDA & Hiroyoshi Tenzan

SECOND MATCH: Toa Henare, David Finlay & Juice Robinson vs. CHAOS (Toru Yano, Tomohiro Ishii & Hirooki Goto)

Henare and Ishii exchange forearms to start. Neither man can drop the other and they exchange shoulder blocks until Henare floors Ishii. Ishii chops away on Henare and tags Toru Yano.

Finlay tags in and Yano immediately goes for the turnbuckle but eats a european uppercut. Yano takes Finlay out of the ring and whips him into the barricade. Finlay gets thrown back into the ring and thrown into the exposed turnbuckle.

Goto tags in and beats on Finlay. He keeps him grounded with a chinlock. Goto locks in a Single Leg Boston Crab. Finlay gets to the ropes.

Finlay dodges Ushiguroshi and hits a dropkick. Yano runs in, so does Ishii but Finlay fights them off. Juice tags in and hits clothes lines to Ishii and Yano. He hits a cannonball but a second is stopped by Goto. Robinson takes control and gives all three members of CHAOS the Dusty punches. Juice floors Goto with a running lariat and tags in Henare. Henare hits a flying shoulder block.

Ishii comes in and exchanges strikes with Henare but gets dropped. Henare hits a Flying Shoulder Tackle for two. Henare, Juice & Finlay triple team Goto for two.

Goto hits Ushiguroshi, followed by GTR for the pinfall.


THIRD MATCH: IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Champions Roppongi 3K vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (Hiromu Takahashi & BUSHI) vs. Suzuki-gun (Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado)

Desperado gets in Sho’s face before the bell. Suzuki-gun decide to start the match outside the ring. Hiromu and Yoh start the match. Hiromu and Yoh exchange chops. Yoh cringes. They exchange more chops. Yoh ringes. They exchange more chops. Yoh cringes. Hiromu drops Yoh with a shoulder block but Yoh fights back. Sho enters and they double team Takahashi. BUSHI runs in and eats stereo dropkicsk. Roppongi 3K go for tandem suicide dives but get pulled out by Suzuki-gun, triggering a wild brawl at ringside.

Hiromu gets Sho into the ring and grounds him. BUSHI tags in and chokes Sho with a t-shirt. Hiromu comes in and LIJ double team Sho for a two count.

Kanemaru blind tags and clears the apron. Kanemaru dodges a dropkick from Sho and hits a back body drop. Kanemaru uses his boot to grind the face of Sho. El Desperado tags in and does the same.

Desperado hits a huge body slam. Desperado hits a standing Frog Splash for two. Sho gets to his feet and exchanges chops with Desperado. Desperado hits a spinebuster but the following pinfall is broken. Hiromu takes over and beats on Sho. Desperado breaks it up and Kanemaru blind tags in. Kanemaru hits a running corner kick, followed by a superplex for two.

Kanemaru locks in a Boston Crab on Sho, but Sho powers to the rope. Kanemaru goes for a suplex but Sho reverses. Sho goes for a German Suplex but his back gives out. Sho reverses a vertical suplex with a snap suplex and tags in Yoh.

Yoh takes out Suzuki-gun. Yoh drops Desperado with a Dragon Screw and Kanemaru with a forearm. Kanemaru fights out of a suplex and the two exchange strikes. Kanemaru hits a dropkick to Yoh’s knees but BUSHI blind tags in. Hiromu dropkicks Kanemaru out of the ring. Yoh tags in Sho, who overpowers BUSHI.

Hiromu gets dropkicked out of the ring. Spear from Sho to BUSHI. Double Spear to Suzuki-gun. Sho hits a thrust kick for two. Sho hits a deadlift German Suplex. Hiromu hits Sho and then hits a Sunset Bomb on Desperado. Roppongi 3K hit go for stereo dives but only Yoh takes out BUSHI, as Hiromu has it scouted.

BUSHI gets back in the ring but eats a series of tandem moves from Roppongi 3K for two. Roppongi 3K signal for 3K but Hiromu breaks it up. BUSHI mists Sho. Kanemaru blinds BUSHI with whiskey. Desperado rolls up Sho for the pinfall.