WWE Fastlane Results

WWE Fastlane Results (3/11) Asuka Appears, New Champions Crowned, Who Will Face Nakamura At WrestleMania?

Main Card:

Shinsuke Nakamura vs Rusev w/Aiden English

Nakamura tries to pick Rusev’s leg. Rusev sprawls and takes Nakamura over with a headlock takedown. Quick cover by Rusev for a one count. Rusev locks in a standing armbar. Rusev runs over Nakamura with a shoulder block. Nakamura almost takes Rusev’s head off with a kick. Leaping knee drop by Nakamura for a near fall. Rusev blast Nakamura with a stiff right hand. Rusev misses a right hand. Nakamura struts away and tells Rusev to come on. Rusev rolls out of the ring to collect himself.  Rusev takes his sweet time getting back into the ring. Nakamura follows Rusev out of the ring. Knee by Nakamura. Nakamura hits a leaping knee off the apron. Rusev knocks Nakamura off the apron as he tries to get back in the ring.  Rusev gets a two count. Rusev puts Nakamura in a cobra clutch. Nakamura drops down and traps Rusev in a heel hook. Rusev eventually gets to the ropes. Rusev (while hopping on one leg) destroys Nakamura with a swinging uranage.

Rusev goes back to the cobra clutch. Nakamura gets to his feet. Rusev crushes him with knee after knee to the gut. Rusev sends Nakamura into the ropes. Nakamura explodes off the ropes with a sidekick. Basement kick combo by Nakamura. Rusev catches Nakamura foot but Nakamura drops down and hits an enziguri. Running rope hang corner knee by Nakamura. Rusev kicks out. Nakamura lays in a few deep knee strikes to Rusev’s gut. Guillotine by Nakamura. Rusev tries to pick Nakamura up. Rusev’s leg keeps giving out. Rusev struggles to his feet and launches Nakamura with a fallaway slam. Rusev surprises Nakamura with a popup knee strike followed by a savate kick. Nakamura somehow manages to kick out. Rusev sets up the Machka kick. Rusev and Nakamura trade strikes. Nakamura punches Rusev in the throat. Axe kick by Nakamura. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa. Rusev moves out of the way and almost locks in the Accolade. Nakamura rolls up Rusev. Rusev kicks out. Big knee by Nakamura. Nakamura sets up the Kinshasa again. Nakamura runs right into a Machka Kick! Nakamura kicks out! Rusev tries the Accolade again. Nakamura slips out of it and hits a Kinshasa to the back of Rusev’s head. Rusev looks to be out. Nakamura hits another head-on Kinshasa for the win!

Winner- Shinsuke Nakamura