WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (3/28) Dusty Classic Continues, Almas Brutalizes Black, New Title Announced, More

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Round Two: The Street Profits vs The Authors of Pain w/ Paul Ellering

Ford yells at Rezar. Rezar yells back. Ford tags in Dawkins and tells him to handle his light work. Rezar forces Dawkins into the corner and stomps him. Akam tags in and continues the assault in the corner. Dawkins surprises Akam with a dropkick. Running European uppercut by Dawkins to Rezar. Dawkins demolishes Rezar with a spine buster. Ford dances around the ring with his cup. Ford ends up standing in front of Ellering. Ford offers Ellering his cup. Ellering slaps it out of Ford’s hand. Ford backs down Ellering. In the ring, the AoP hit the Last Chapter on Dawkins for the win.

Winners- The Authors of Pain

Backstage, Regal says the second competitor for the North American title ladder match will be Adam Cole. Velveteen Dream walks in and says the ladder match is a great idea but it needs him in it to put it over the top. Regal says he agrees. Dream is the third competitor in the match.

Lars Sullivan vs John Silver

Sullivan pounds on Silver’s back before tossing him head first into the turnbuckle. Sullivan pulls Silver out of the corner and tosses Silver into the opposite corner head first. Corner avalanche by Sullivan. Gorilla press into a front slam by Sullivan. Sullivan hits a diving headbutt off the top. Sullivan destroys Silver with the Freak Accident for the win.

Winner- Lars Sullivan


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