Los Angeles Coliseum Manager Joe Furin was recently featured in a ESPN.com piece by Arash Markazi about the failed attempt at hosting Wrestlemania VII at the venue, and said they want to try and bring the big event back to the venue. Furin said:
“I think it would be great to see WrestleMania 36 or 37 at the Coliseum. That’s definitely a call we’re going to make. I think I have to update the bid video, but the reasons remain the same. We’ve hosted every big event except for one, and it would be great to finally come full circle and check that box and host WrestleMania.”
“WrestleMania has certainly grown, and the Coliseum has also grown with the city of Los Angeles. If you have a big event, you want to go somewhere that has hosted big events. There’s sometimes a risk in taking it into a new facility that is still working the bugs out, but you’d like to have it somewhere with a history and a track record of hosting big events, and there’s no stadium in the world with that kind of history and track record of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.”
Furin was part of the team that but the bid together to host Wrestlemania VI, and the Coliseum was later awarded the rights to host Wrestlemania VII. The article also talks about the reasons why the event was really moved to the LA Sports Arena, how he put the pitch together, Los Angeles’ history as a wrestling fan base and more. You can check out the full article here; the pitch video is embedded below: