Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling

Exclusive: Petey Williams Accuses Josh Mathews Of Stealing Impact Podcast From Him, Calls Him A Bad Commentator, Talks WWE-TNA, More

Exclusive: Petey Williams Accuses Josh Mathews Of Stealing Impact Podcast From Him, Calls Him A Bad Commentator, Talks WWE’s TNA Mention, More
Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling

On Impact releasing Alberto el Patron:

PW: I was kind of surprised since he was lined up to face Austin Aries for the title. We have been building up that feud since January and, yes, it’s shocking but it just goes to show that no matter who you are… I don’t know the circumstances of his release, if he no showed some appearances that’s not professional. This company doesn’t care who you are. We are trying to take steps to move forward and not step backwards. In the past we have had no shows like Scott Hall or Jeff Hardy and, sure enough, months later you would see them back on our shows. It’s kind of like you don’t want to keep making the same mistakes. That’s not how to build a company.

On Kurt Angle mentioning TNA on WWE RAW and telling Owens and Zayn that they are hiring:

PW: We haven’t been waiting 15 years for WWE to mention us. We know where they are at and we are not in competition with WWE. We don’t have the machine, man power or finances to compete. Let’s just face it. I remember in 2004 we had the New Age Outlaws dressing up as Hunter and Shawn Michaels trying to make fun of WWE. We were even showing up to WWE events with our talent and filming it. We were waiting for them to do that Monday Night War thing like back in the day. WCW made the mistake of mentioning WWE on their own show and that’s when WWE won. WWE didn’t mention us forever even though we were egging them on. Fast forward 15 years when we don’t even care about it anymore, they mention us on their TV show for the first time ever. So, it’s just funny to me because it came 15 years later than when we wanted it to come. When we actually wanted it.


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