low ki
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Low Ki Speaks Out On Keeping Deposit For Missed Appearance (Video), Promoter Refutes Claims, Says Ki Went Into Business For Himself

Low Ki issued the following video in response to a recent claim that he wrongfully took a deposit for a live event he did not actually work on.

Low Ki was supposed to face off with Matt Riddle at the ‘Bloodsport’ event promoted by GameChanger Wrestling on Wrestlemania weekend in New Orleans. Ki’s explanation of the events is that he was injured while training for the match, but since he met his obligations by still flying out to New Orleans in an attempt to use him on the show, he should be able to keep the deposit.

GCW’s Brett Lauderdale posted a lengthy response refuting Ki’s claims, which includes an outline of his attempts to contact Ki throughout the week leading up to the event, Ki’s attempts to go into business for himself and his claims that GCW attempted a bait and switch with fans: (Complete thread including noted screenshots can be seen below by clicking on the initial post)