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Lucha Rules Tag Match: DJ Z, Dezmond Xavier, and Andrew Everett vs Fantasma, Aerostar, and Drago

Aerostar lands a rolling stunner on Everett. Missile dropkick by Aerostar. Everett does a front flip over Aerostar, then hits a springboard dropkick. Fantasma rolls in and blasts Everett with a few chops. Drago and Aerostar double team Everett. Xavier traps Aerostar in the ropes. DJ Z and Everett hit dual dropkicks. DJ Z and Everett try a double springboard moonsault but Aerostar moves out of the way. Fantasma puts DJ Z in a deathlock. Xavier puts Fantasma in an abdominal stretch all at the same time. Aerostar and Xavier break it up. Xavier lands a helo over the top. DJ Z does the same. Aerostar hits a springboard falling senton off the top rope onto everyone.

After the break, everyone is battling in the ring. Xavier hits a sky twister press off the top. DJ Z hits a splash. Everett hits a moonsault. The Luchadors all kick out. Fantasma knees Xavier in the face. Aerostar hits a springboard senton. DJ Z breaks up the pin. Fantasma tosses Drago over the top rope into a sky twister press onto everyone. Xavier hits a backflip kick Xavier goes up top but Aerostar walks the ropes and takes him over with a hurricanrana. DJ Z hits the DJ T for the win.

Winners- DJ Z, Dezmond Xavier, and Andrew Everett

After the match, everyone shakes hands.