Photo Credit: X-Pac 1,2,360 / Afterbuzz TV

Rey Mysterio Tells Sean Waltman He Hopes To Face Cody Outside WWE; Talks Current Best High-Flier, His Son Dominic’s Wrestling Training, More

Rey Mysterio talks the Evolution of Cruiserweights with X-Pac! - X-Pac 12360 Ep. 86


The latest episode of Sean Waltman’s X-Pac 12360 podcast was released yesterday and features special guest Rey Mysterio!

You can download the podcast version on iTunes HERE or download the podcast version for Android HERE

X-Pac 12360 has provided the following transcribed quotes to WrestleZone.

Related: Latest Update On Rey Mysterio’s WWE Future

Sean ‘X-Pac’ Waltman Talks About The Passing Of Nick Busick:

SW: Nick Busick passed away and people might know him as Big Bully Busick. I was in Dallas with him in GWF. A wonderful human being. One tough son-of-a-bitch. Everyone respected this guy, not just because he’s tough but because of what kind of man he was. When I was arrested in jail last year…when I got out of jail and everyone heard what happened. You know people thought I fell off the wagon, was in rough shape again. When I got out of jail…one of the first things I heard was a voicemail from Nick Busick reaching out to me, concerned and just wanting to be there. That meant a lot to me.

Sean ‘X-Pac’ Waltman On The Cauliflower Alley Club Needing Some Young Blood :

SW: The thing I want to get to, something that was obvious and that JR {Jim Ross} mentioned in the room, is we need some young blood. New fresh blood in the Cauliflower Alley. Such an amazing organization and it really needs to survive and to do that it needs fresh blood. Like Jim had said. Here’s the problem with that, as long as you have all these guys like my age and older telling all the young guys…obsessed with telling everybody how great it was back in our day, and how all this nowadays sucks… if you want to be the Pro Wrestling Preservation Society, be that way but it’s gonna die. The younger people in the industry, why would they want to show up and be apart of something that has a bunch of people telling them they’re killing the business.

Sean ‘X-Pac’ Waltman On Dropping the WCW Cruiserweight Title to Chris Jericho And Not Rey Mysterio:

SW: You {Rey Mysterio} and I had match…in WCW…and eventually I beat you and then Jericho comes out. And I’m the Champion at the time and I ended up dropping it to him {Chris Jericho}. I did the worst job of handing the belt to somebody ever, because I was so into wanting a match with you Rey. I’ll be honest with you, it was kind of a shitty thing to do to Chris. I’m not gonna lie man but it was always so great working with you.

Rey Mysterio Talks About What His Mask Has Become And The Importance Of It:

SW: My mask and what my mask represented for the years  I have put into this sport, in Mexico became cultural. It became like Konnan would say, ‘Like Tequilla in Mexico, the sombrero, the serapes in Mexico.’ You were seeing my mask all around the World Cup when Mexico was playing at one point…two World Cup’s ago Mexico went based off the colors of one of my outfits and my masks and they designed their gear based on a Rey Mysterio outfit and color scheme. That just goes to show…it’s big, really really big. I think what I’ve done for Lucha Libre in the years has transcended what anybody else could have ever thought of doing.

Rey Mysterio On The Best High-Flyer In The World Right Now:

SW: Oh, you got me there. I want to say, I guess this answer’s fair because they’re from different countries so I’m going to do one from each country. Mexico Rey Fenix, US Ricochet, and UK Ospreay. I would love to see them in a three-way.

Rey Mysterio Talks About Cody Rhodes and Wanting To Work With Him In The Future:

SW: I actually do hope to work with him {Cody Rhodes} and meet outside of the WWE, I think after you’ve been in the WWE and you know what the grind is like and at some point you feel that it’s not for you and you need a break, you need to speak up, be heard. And I think that’s what he did…but now he’s pretty much doing what he loves, he’s still wrestling. He’s working with I’d say one of the biggest companies in Japan that is starting to make a big impact here in the U.S as well, but I truly hope to see him in the ring one day for New Japan.

Rey Mysterio Talks About His Son Dominic’s Wrestling Future:

SW: I’m very happy and honored to pass the torch on to my son, who’s actually training right now. He’s moving along with his training and there’s nothing that excites me and makes me feel proud as to what my son is doing right now, following in my footsteps. Being in the business as hard as it is and as rough as it is…you obviously hope that your kid would follow in your footsteps one day. And that day came about two and half years ago with my son. He’s actually doing a good job, going through his training phases. He started in Tampa last year with Jay Lethal…he’s back home now and in September he goes up to Canada to train with Lance Storm. He hasn’t had a match, it’s funny how promoters book me and at the end of the conversation they’ll just throw out ‘Hey if you want to bring your son out here, if he wants to come out, we’ll take care of him.’ and I’m like nah he’s not ready yet {Laughs}. I’ll be the first to say he’s definitely not ready. He’s in the learning process but overall I have this mentality on how I want to prepare him to better than his old man, cause I know he will be, I am that positive that he’s gonna be better than his old man. And I wanna take him around and learn from different camps. I wanna get him into a New Japan camp, they just opened in LA. Get him into Booker T’s school and I might even send him to Japan for a couple months. Hopefully within the next year and a half if he’s ready, I’ll be the last to take care of him. I’ll just finish it up and polish him to be ready to go.


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