WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (5/16): Ricochet And Velveteen Dream Battle For Supremacy, Dunne, Lorcan & Burch Team Up Against Undisputed ERA, More

Raul Mendoza vs Kona Reeves

Mendoza gets a bit of offense, but Reeves sends him into the corner. Reeves stomps Mendoza before sending him clear across the ring with a suplex. Falling elbow off the top by Reeves. Reeves put Mendoza in the cobra clutch. Mendoza jawbreakers his way out of it. Step up enziguri by Mendoza. Mendoza tries a springboard but Reeves boots Mendoza out of the air. Reeves hits the Hawaiian Drop for the win.

Winner- Kona Reeves

Backstage, both Ricochet and Dream are trying to get into William Regal’s office. The both want Sullivan. They agree they have something in common. Ricochet opens the door for Dream and they both walk in.

U.K. Champion Pete Dunne, Oney Lorcan, and Danny Burch vs The Undisputed ERA

Burch and O’Reilly trade holds. Burch takes O’Reilly down. O’Reilly tells Burch to come down to the mat. O’Reilly trips Burch and traps him in the Undisputed ERA corner. The Undisputed ERA takes turns working over Burch. Strong stares at Dunne as he stomps Burch’s arm. Burch drives Strong into his corner. Dunne tags himself in and destroys Strong with a elbow. Dunne tosses Strong around the ring. Dunne traps Strong in an armbar. Dunne is about to break Strongs fingers. Cole and O’Reilly hit the ring. Lorcan, Dunne, and Burch snap O’Reilly, Cole, and Strongs fingers. After a distraction, Strong attacks Dunne from behind. The Undisputed ERA cuts the ring in half and works over Dunne. Dunne manages to tag in Lorcan, who clears the ring. Lorcan dives over the top onto everyone. Lorcan sends Strong back into the ring. Lorcan and Burch hits an atomic drop/lariat combo. Cole breaks up the pin.

Dunne obliterates Strong with a right hand. O’Reilly tries to suplex Dunne. Dunne lands on his feet and almost kicks O’Reilly’s head off. Dunne ends up on the apron. Strong tosses Lorcan into Dunne. In the ring, Strong hits a full nelson backbreaker on Burch. Cole hits the Ushigorshi and O’Reilly kicks Burch in the head. Burch kicks out. Burch surprises O’Reilly with the crossface. Lorcan puts Strong in a single leg crab. Dunne puts Cole in a kimura. Strong kicks Lorcan into everyone else to break the holds. Dunne and Cole fall to the outside. The two tags face off in the ring. Strong accidentally knees O’Reilly in the face. Lorcan and Burch hit a wheelbarrow DDT for the win!

Winners – U.K. Champion Pete Dunne, Oney Lorcan, and Danny Burch

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