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ROH TV Ep 347 Recap: Young Bucks v. Briscoes For ROH Tag Titles, Bully Ray Fired, Motor City Machine Guns v. Dawgs, Klein v. Madison Rayne

ROH TV Ep 347 Recap: Young Bucks v. Briscoes For ROH Tag Titles, Bully Ray Fired, Motor City Machine Guns v. Dawgs, Klein v. Madison Rayne
Photo Credit: Ring of Honor

We return to the ring to see Motor City Machine Guns. Chris Sabin says MCMG had one single goal in mind: to become tag champs and they accomplished that goal. Well they don’t have the belts anymore. What’s next? Should they shake hands? Go their separate ways and call it a day? Or should they stay together and prove that they are the best damn tag team that ever lived? Crowd cheers. Well to be honest, the both don’t know, but Sabin wanted to let Alex Shelley know that he’s his brother for life and the two hug. Alex Shelley goes to speak but is interrupted by The Dawgs. Will Ferrera says they aren’t hear to hear about their achy breaky hearts. Rhett Titus says while MCMG are confused about their future he was thinking about his favorite movie as a kid: Old Yeller. And sometimes you just gotta put that old dog out to pasture. The Dawgs then begin to attack MCMG. Referee Sinclair runs to the ring and the match starts.

MATCH 2: Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Dawgs

MCMG quickly gain the upper hand which leads both Dawgs to the outside and Chris Sabin suicide dives through Alex Shelley‘s legs onto both of him. Match is made official as Sabin and Shelley work on Willy Ferrara. MCMG connect with a double team knee off the top into an STO. Titus comes in to get an inverted atomic drop that leads to a Dream Sequence attack but Willy makes the save. Titus then does a diving swanton over the top rope onto the Guns on the outside. Commercial break.

We return to see Titus using Willy as a battering ram to both Guns in opposite corners. Attack goes to outside as Titus holds up Shelley but Ferrara leaps to hit Titus by mistake. Sabin jumps on all of them. He top-rope dropkicks Titus in the ring. Kicks Willy on the apron. They hit the Dream Sequence on Titus. Sabin thrust kicks Titus, but Titus gives him a backbreaker and a snake eyes in the corner. Willy hits a BLL as Titus climbs the top rope to hit the Doggie Splash. Both try to pin Sabin, but Shelley shows up just in time for the save. He and Willy fight to the outside as Titus lifts Sabin up top for a superplex attempt. Sabin fights free and gets Titus in a tree of woe position. He leaps Willy who catches him in a standing switch. Shelley also grabs Willy in a standing switch, tries to turn it into a BLL attempt but gets smashed in the opposite corner from Titus as Shelley baseball slides into the upside down Dawg. Shelley quickly suplexes a stumbling Willy into Titus and Sabin leaps into the corner to deliver a exclamation point dropkick that was assisted by Shelley. Riccaboni finds the opportunity to mention Shelley’s slides is like Pittsburgh’s Roberto Clemente. Very cool sequence as the crowd goes wild. They kick Titus out of the corner for the “Skull & Bones” finisher and the win.

Winners: Motor City Machine Guns via pinfall after 6:30

Quick, but satisfying match for any MCMG fan. And I’m one of them so I approve. These seasoned vets look as sharp as they did in 2010.

We see The Young Bucks. Tonight they become ROH Tag Champs and tonight they prove that they are the GOAT.

Punishment Martinez vs. Jay Lethal promo for next week.

Next Page: Facade v. Eli Isom, Bully Ray’s future, Bullet Club Calls Out SoCal Uncensored