WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Takeover Chicago Results (6/16): Black Defends Against Sullivan, Ciampa And Gargano Go To War In A Chicago Street Fight, More

Velveteen Dream vs Ricochet 

Dream and Ricochet get in go face-to-face. Dream backs Ricochet into the corner. Clean break by Dream. Dream does more Hulk Hogan poses (Dream is dressed like Hogan tonight and it’s amazing). Ricochet takes Dream down in a head scissors. Dream gets out and throws his bandana in Ricochet’s face. Dream eventually grabs a side headlock. Ricochet grabs an armbar. Dream tries to send Ricochet into the ropes but Ricochet holds onto the headlock. After a tackle dropdown spot Dream hits a head scissors but Dream backflips out of it. Another exchange ends with Ricochet doing a backflip over Dream. Dream and Ricochet go face-to-face again. Dream slaps Ricochet. Ricochet slaps Dream. Backflip head scissors by Ricochet. Ricochet tries a springboard but Dream hits the ropes.

Ricochet lands throat first on the top rope. Ricochet falls to the outside. Dream brings Ricochet back into the ring. Dream stomps Ricochet in the corner. Dream hits Ricochet’s knee springboard senton. Dream drops Ricochet with the Rude Awakening. Ricochet manages to land a back elbow. Ricochet tries to hit the ropes but Dream pushes Ricochet through the ropes. Dream hits a topé onto Ricochet. Dream gets a two count. Dream locks in a rear chin lock. Ricochet fires up. DReam and Ricochet trade shots. Ricochet misses an enziguri. Ricochet hits a rolling dropkick. Dream falls to the outside. Ricochet crushes Dream with a strong topé. Ricochet gets back in the ring and hits an endo dive. Ricochet bring Dream back into the ring. Ricochet hits a 619, followed by a diving European uppercut off the top. Standing shooting star press by Ricochet. Dream somehow manages to get his shoulders off the mat to avoid the three count. Dream sends Ricochet to the outside. Ricochet goes up top. Dream cuts him off. Ricochet sends Dream flying off the top.
