Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (6/18): Fallout From MITB, Rousey Goes Berserk, New Champion Crowned, More

Backstage, Rousey yells at Angle that she doesn’t need anyone to tell her that this isn’t the UFC. Angle says Rousey doesn’t get it. Angle doesn’t even know what to do right now. Angle says he is sorry but he is suspending Rousey for 30 days. Rousey says Angle sounds really sorry and storms off.

Backstage, Renee Young tries to get a word with Rousey. Rousey ignores Young. Young tells Rousey “Good Luck” Rousey stops and says Young need to save her “good luck” for Bliss. In 30 days Rousey is going to be back to beat Bliss’ “pink-haired ass”.

In Ring Segment: Seth Rollins

Rollins says Elias took him to his limit last night but Rollins is still standing and he is STILL the IC Champion! Rollins says he is here and he is a fighting champion. We are going to have an IC title open challenge. Dolph Ziggler comes out and stands on the stage. Drew McIntyre follows behind Rollins.

Intercontinental Championship Match: Seth Rollins (c) vs Dolph Ziggler w/Drew McIntyre

Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag. Rollins holds the ropes. Rollins tries the Stomp. Ziggler avoids it and rolls out of the ring. After the break, Rollins tries a springboard buy Ziggler dropkicks him out of the air. Rollins tries to fire up. Ziggler kicks Rollins in the knee., Neckbreaker by Ziggler. Rollins kicks out. Ziggler sends Rollins into the corner hard. Ziggler puts Rollins in a chin lock. Ziggler tries a dropkick but Rollins catches Ziggler’s feet. Rollins sends Ziggler into the corner with a slingshot. Rollins lays into Ziggler with a few chops. Sling Blade by Rollins. Rollins launches Ziggler to the outside. Topé suicida by Rollins. Rollins finally hits his springboard clothesline.

After the break, Rollins tries the buckle bomb. Ziggler turns it into a sunset flip. Rollins kicks out. Ripcord knee by Rollins. Ziggler kicks out. Rollins calls for the Stomp. Ziggler misses the Stomp. Ziggler kicks Rollins in the knee and hits a famasser for a long two count. Ziggler calls for the Superkick. Rollins superkicks Ziggler before Ziggler can. Rollins superkicks Ziggler again. Ziggler kicks out. Rollins misses a splash off the top. Ziggler goes up top. Rollins cuts him off. Rollins sets up a superplex. Ziggler fights out of it. Rollins hops up top but Ziggler sends Rollins flying off the top. Ziggler hits a splash but Rollins rolls through and hits a buckle bomb. McIntyre tries to distract Rollins. Rollins rolls up Ziggler but Ziggler kicks out. Ziggler rolls up Rollins, pulls the tights and gets the win.

Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion, Dolph Ziggler!

After the match, Ziggler and McIntyre attack Rollins. Ziggler and McIntyre hit the Zig Zag/Claymore combo.