Photo Credit: NJPW World

CEOxNJPW Results (6/27) Golden Lovers/LIJ, Roppongi 3K/Taguchi Japan, More.

THIRD MATCH: Jeff Cobb vs. Chase Owens

Owens locks in a side headlock. Cobb picks up Owens and puts him on the top rope. They lock up. Owens locks in a hammerlock. Cobb takesdown Owens and locks in an armbar but Owens gets to the ropes.

Owens locks in a waistlock. Cobb hits a leg takedown. Cobb hits a deadlift throw. Owens piefaces Cobb. Owens teases a Test of Strength and goes for a gut kick. Cobb catches the leg. Cobb hits an atomic drop. Cobb hits a shoulder tackle. Cobb hits an Overhead Belly To Belly Suplex. Cobb hits a pumphandle suplex.

Owens starts to fight back and hits some cheap shots on Cobb. Owens locks in a chinlock. Owens hits a Neckbreaker for two.

They exchange strikes. Owens hits a Sunset Flip, followed by a thrust kick. Cobb fights back with a dropkick. Cobb chops away on Owens’s chest. Cobb hits a deadlift Vertical Suplex. Cobb hits a Standing Moonsault. Owens fights back with a throat thrust. Owens chops away on Cobb’s chest. Cobb hits a Spinning Saito Suplex for two.

Cobb gets sent out of the ring. Owens hits a Baseball Slide Dropkick. Back in the ring. Owens hits a top rope elbow drop. Owens gets a nearfall.

They exchange strikes. Owens hits a series of Yakuza Kicks that do nothing to Cobb. They exchange more strikes. Cobb hits a huge series of forearms. Owens hits an Enziguri. Owens hits Jewel Heist for two.

Owens goes for the Package Piledriver but Cobb counters. Cobb hits a Western Lariat. Cobb hits Tour Of The Islands for the pinfall.

WINNER: Jeff Cobb

There is another intermission.


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