Photo Credit: NJPW World

CEOxNJPW Results (6/27) Golden Lovers/LIJ, Roppongi 3K/Taguchi Japan, More.

FOURTH MATCH: Roppongi 3K (SHO & YOH) vs. Taguchi Japan (Dragon Lee & Ryusuke Taguchi)

Yoh and Taguchi start the match. Yoh dodges a hip attack. Yoh dodges another hip attack. Criss Cross goes on for…a while. Both men get tired and walk on each other’s back. Yoh passes out on top of Taguchi for a two count.

Dragon Lee tags in. Sho tags in. They exchange strikes as the commentary team compares Dragon Lee’s rear end to a Playstation. The forearm battle continues. Both men reverse a hurricanrana from the other. Sho and Yoh double team Dragon Lee and knock Taguchi out of the ring. Roppongi 3K hit a double suplex for two.

Yoh tags in and locks in a chin lock. Yoh hits Dragon Lee with a hip attack. Yoh does the Yano evasion. Sho tags in. Sho takesdown Dragon Lee. Yoh tags in. Yoh bodyslams Dragon Lee for two.

Yoh locks in a Figure Four Leglock. Taguchi breaks it up. Sho tags in. Dragon Lee fights back with multiple dropkicks. Dragon Lee hits a Spanish Fly. Taguchi tags in. Taguchi hits Forever Hip Attacks. Taguchi hits a slingshot senton to the outside. Taguchi runs in the ring and hits a Tope Con Hiro. Romero runs in and throws Taguchi back in the ring. Romero gets hit with a hip attack. Taguchi hits Rolling Suplexes for two.

Taguchi locks in an Ankle Lock. Sho rolls through. Sho counters Dodon. Yoh tags in and hits a Dominator/STO combo but Dragon Lee breaks up the pinfall. Dragon Lee gets hit with a stereo Knee Attack. Backcracker/Yakuza Kick. Taguchi counters a 3K attempt. Wild brawl ensues. Dragon Lee hits Sho and Yoh with Snap German Suplexes. Dragon Lee Hurricanranas Sho out of the ring.

Taguchi hits a Suplex Facebuster. Taguchi goes for a sliding hip attack but gets rolled up for two. Small Package gets two. Taguchi hits a hip attack. Superkick from Yoh. Enziguri from Taguchi. Taguchi counters a roll up with a rollup for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Taguchi Japan