Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (7/16): Two Triple Threat Match To Determine Universal Championship, Heyman Appears, More

Backstage, Baron Corbin chastizes Angle for not putting him in one of the triple threat matches. Angle says Corbin didn’t deserve it. Corbin asks if Bálor does. Angle says Bálor beat Corbin last night so yes. Angle walks away.

Roman Reigns vs Finn Bálor vs Drew McIntyre

McIntyre sends Regins and Bálor into the corner. McIntyre blast Reigns and Bálor in the corner. Bálor dropkicks McIntyre. Reigns clotheslines McIntyre over the top rope. Bálor clotheslines Reigns over the top rope. Topé con hilo by Bálor. Back in the ring Reigns clotheslines Bálor. McIntyre belly-to-belly suplexes Reigns. McIntyre sends Bálor into the corner hard. Snap suplex by McIntyre to Reigns. McIntyre stomps Bálor in the corner. McIntyre ground and pounds Reigns and Bálor. McIntyre sends Bálor to the outside. Neckbreaker by McIntyre to Reigns.

After the break, McIntyre drops Bálor on the ring apron. McIntyre stomps Reigns and Bálor. Bálor kicks McIntyre in the face. Reigns destroys McIntyre with a clothesline. Reigns takes out McIntrye. Bálor attacks Reigns. Reigns almost takes Bálor’s head off with a clothesline. Reigns misses the drive by. Bálor responds with a double foot stomp on the apron. McIntyre dives over the top rope onto Reigns. Bálor sends McIntyre into the ring steps. Bálor leaps off the apron onto McIntyre. Bálor lands a double stomp on Reigns. Reigns backs Bálor into the corner. Reigns misses a corner splash. Bálor kicks Reigns in the head. Bálor goes up top. McIntyre hits Bálor with a chair. McIntyre sends Reigns shoulder first into the ring post. McIntyre gets a two count.
