Take 40 Percent Off WWE Shop Items For Tonight Only, Two Days Left For Chair Shot Reality WrestleMania 31 Auction

chair shot realityWWE Shop Deals Going On Now

For tonight only, WWEShop.com has 40 percent off sale items.

Some of these items include T-Shirts featuring John Cena, Ryback, Daniel Bryan and Brock Lesnar.

CSR WrestleMania Fan Experience

There is only two days left for Chair Shot Reality’s WrestleMania 31 Fan Experince. Below are the details. The bidding is currently at $1,650.
The 2nd annual CSR WrestleMania Fan Experience package. This package is good for 2 PEOPLE, is valued at $1,000 and includes:
– 2 tickets sitting with the entire CSR cast, Justin LaBar, Josh Isenberg, Brian Gulish, Caroline Collins and Samantha Daley, at WrestleMania 31
– 2 VIP tickets to CSR welcoming party which features a special Q&A with former WWE writer Vince Russo & then the CSR cast on Friday night, March 27th at 7pm. Guaranteed a meet and greet with Russo.
– Full access for WrestleMania 31 pre-party on Sunday at Noon.
– Will appear on filmed segments for an upcoming CSR episode and extra features.
*Transportation & hotel expenses are NOT covered.

*Winner will be guaranteed the two tickets. Attraction of time & appearance with any member of CSR cast are subject to change if personal sickness, family sickness, natural disaster or termination were to occur.