Mark Madden: “Tell Me What They Did”


TNA’s decision to make Vince Russo and Ed Ferrara the heart of their creative team is absolutely mystifying. R&F get credit for the WWE “Attitude” era, but no one can say what, exactly, they were responsible for. Oh, R&F were THERE when Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock were developed. But what did R&F contribute?

Judging by the dismissive attitude of SCSA and The Rock when Russo and/or Ferrara get brought up, I’d say not much.

The booker of record for the “Attitude” days was Vince McMahon. At that time, talent popped WWE more than storylines.

I worked at WCW when R&F ran the show. I know for sure what they did there. And it was mostly crap. The one constant in their booking was their neurotic concern for what the Internet thought. Martin Scorsese never directed films to impress Variety (or Movie Poop Shoot) instead of the ticket-buyers. But there’s certainly no confusing R&F with Scorsese.

R&F are in charge of TNA. Their path has been cleared of any and all obstacles. The first question: What moron thought THAT was a good idea? It would be nearly impossible to find bookers with WORSE track records. They make Kevin Sullivan look like Dan Brown.