Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 11-28-2011

WWE RawPiper's Pit with John Cena:

Roddy Piper comes out and talks about energy. He says Cena does not care about the energy of the crowd. Piper gets the crowd reaction for guys like The Rock, Stone Cold, and the boos of John Cena come out. Cena says how loyal he is to his fans, and knows he cannot please everybody. He says Cena is losing his face of the WWE moniker. Piper says he needs to tell the fans what he really is thinking about them. Cena says he has dealt with the fans from all areas, from Punk in Chicago to Edge in Toronto. Cena talks about the military, the Make-a-Wish foundation families he meets. He knows he can beat The Rock at WrestleMania. They go back and forth, and Piper toots Cena's horn. Piper says Cena will be in denial, slaps Cena, and Cena friendly taps his hand.

What I Liked:

An entertaining segment, but what is the point of it? Is there a tease to a Cena heel turn? This was not the right time to see Cena flip his switch, but I do feel Cena will eventually snap. I do not think it will be a heel turn, but more of an attitude change. I liked how they teased it, how Cena interacted back and forth with Piper, and how they both spoke truth. I want to see Piper more to put over some faces, because he does give off such energy and a sense of realism.

What I Disliked:

I wish there was a point to this to start off Raw. I would rather have had a match to start it off, as I feel nothing was gained. Cena did not turn heel, it was teased, but I do not think it is in the near future. I wish this was on a Raw where they had time to waste, not only a few weeks away from another PPV. It kept me interested, but I just did not get it. We need to build the here and now, not have Piper do something meaningless. I wish it is a sign to come, but we have been waiting for that for years. Basically a waste of 20 minutes.

Grade: C+

John Morrison vs. The Miz:

What I Liked:

The match was never started, as Miz attacks Morrison with a lead pipe to his knee. I liked the aggression of Miz, needing a change in character and needed a tweak in how weak he was billed in the past month over Cena and Rock. Morrison shows heart, which is not what we have seen from him in months. I did like how we got some sort of match, and it was not just a beat down by The Miz. I also enjoyed the Falls Count Anywhere match, giving them so much to write off Morrison. The spot where Miz throws Morrison into the WWE logo on the stage looked great. I really liked his stare and speech at the end, with his mind looking like it has been lost and found at the same time.  

What I Disliked:

What is the point of Morrison gettting some offense? If you want to do it right, you make Miz constantly take control, not letting up, and proving his aggression. There is nothing left for Morrison, especially since his contract is up. Other than that, we got a very aggressive and intense fight. I was thinking Brodus Clay to take out Morrison to give him credibility, but i understand this as well. Former teammates, friends, and an intelligent way to get Miz over again and Morrison eliminated from the company.

Grade: B