What’s Bothering Me: Paul Bearer, Let’s Bury Dixie, Cena/Rock

It's time for another edition of "What's Bothering Me", exclusively here on WrestleZone.com. Truth be told, very little is bothering me lately. My trip to WrestleMania (with my new fiance) is paid for and right around the corner, my latest projects are going well, the weather is warming up, meaning golf season is nearly here, and I'm about to coach my daughter's softball team for the first time this summer! Personally, things couldn't be better.

That being said, this feature is to outline a few of the things in wrestling that I'm NOT enjoying this week. So, let's get to it.

#3. Paul Bearer Passes Away

I can't say every death in the pro wrestling business affects me as much as others, but I had an eerie feeling come over me when I read about William Moody's passing this week. Growing up, the combination of the Undertaker's "Rest in Peace" and Bearer's high-pitched squeal would literally make me tremble with fear.

I would imagine, with many fans in my age range, that Paul Bearer ranks up there pretty high in all-time great wrestling managers. That is likely a universal opinion, regardless of age.

What I find interesting about the whole situation is that I don't necessarily think the "Paul Bearer" character would have worked with anyone else. Kane worked fine, but even that was a far cry from the magic he created with The Undertaker.

I only met Moody once – he was a very nice guy during that encounter. Reading some of the wrestlers' reactions though puts things in a completely different reality. They all talk about him with such sincerity and joy. He made an impact on the wrestling business – not just with fans, but with so many of his peers. That combination of respect isn't as easy to achieve as it sounds.

Rest in peace, Paul Bearer, and thanks for the many memories.