Mike Killam & Josh Isenberg Predict WWE Survivor Series 2016

Team Smackdown Live vs. Team Raw Women’s Elimination Match


Isenberg: When I look at this match and the opponents involved, you have to be excited to have so much depth and different personalities in the Women’s Division in WWE. Are all of them on the level of Charlotte, Sasha, Becky and Bayley? No, but they do not need to be right now. These two teams are going to showcase the positives in each woman, whether it is Naomi’s athleticism or Nia’s strength. I expect Team RAW to win this bout, with Charlotte and Sasha being the lone survivors. I can’t see WWE handing a loss to a woman that continues to win on every single PPV’s… or is it called Network Specials now? Either way, The Queen and The Boss are held in higher regards than The Lass Kicker.

Killam: One year ago at Survivor Series 2015, a grand total of two women worked the show – Charlotte and Piage. Including the pre-show, with all eight matches on the card (nine if you count Sheamus cashing in, but we don’t talk about that), a whole two women got to compete inside the squared circle on one of the Big Four pay-per-views. This year? Ten. Plus two team captains and a manager. And here’s the thing – until quite recently I would have looked at a 10-woman match as a potential clusterf*** and braced myself for the worst, and been one hundred-percent justified in doing so. But I look at the field for this Survivor Series elimination match, and I see a multitude of different characters. Different women, with different personalities, goals, ambitions, etc. It’s not perfect, and there’s a lot of room to improve, but it’s unarguably a massive leap in the right direction. I’m hoping, and predicting that Team Raw picks up the win here, and continues to advance some of their stories with that victory. The Smackdown women have been very, very good with multiple angles and feuds, and Raw needs some serious help to boost up their non-Charlotte/Sasha programs.

A Survival of Tag Teams…