WWE RAW Results (2/6) – HHH Updates WM Challenge, Jericho Speaks on Reason For His Return, Six Pack Challenge

WWE RAW Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

February 6th 2012

HHH makes his way down to the ring and says there are rumors going around, but he wants to clear things up and says he was there to fire John Laurinaitis. He says John is a backstabbing, manipulative weasel and he doesn't have any redeeming qualities so he hopes the board sees this. HHH says John flew up to see the board and make a case, and they will deal with it when it is time, but he wants to talk about something else that is important. He says they saw the Undertaker return after being gone since Wrestlemania, and he had to be carried out of the ring. HHH says he isn't afraid to say that he gets chills during his entrance, and he doesn't say it much but he is humbled by the Undertaker. He says things are playing out like last time, and Taker made a challenge, but he didn't feel the chill or stand in awe this time.

HHH says he knows what he did last year, and he chooses to remember Taker in a certain way, then plays a highlight clip of his career. He says that is the deadman, and that is how he will remember him, not like this, then points to the highlights of last year's Wrestlemania after Taker crawled and fell out of the ring. HHH says no one will ever compare or match his record, because he is the most dominant force in WWE, but that is why he has to decline the challenge out of respect for him. He says Taker would not die, and HHH knows if they go again he will have to finish things, and that might be what Taker wants him to do. HHH repeats a quote and explains that everyone has limits, and he saw Taker realize it so he won't push him past them.

HHH says he respects him too much to do that, and says this is over then leaves the ring but his music gets cut off. The arena lights go out and a video starts to play of Undertaker sitting in a room watching highlights of last year's match, and it features commentary from King and HHH. Undertaker says his win doesn't mean anything and he says he wants vengeance, and he will give HHH one more shot at immortality, because this isn't over between them.