11/19 WWE Monday Night Raw Results – John Cena Injured, CM Punk’s Championship Celebration & More!

WWE Monday Night Raw Results

November 19, 2012

By Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

A video package opens the night highlighting all the major moments of WWE Survivor Series, complete with cheesy reality TV voice-over guy. Ryback's music hits and he makes his way out as Michael Cole and Jerry "the King" Lawler welcome us to Monday Night Raw!

Ryback actually grabs a mic and says that last night he was about to "feed" on the WWE Champion, and CM Punk and his three men have become his new prey. He calls all of them out to face him; if they don't, he promises to tear down the arena until he finds them. He starts a "feed me more!" chant as Vickie Guerrero comes out to a giant chorus off boo's from the live crowd. 

Vickie says that Ryback had two chances to win the WWE Championship, and failed at both attempts. She threatens him with a fine "or more" if he destroys anything on Raw tonight, and introduces his opponent to kick off the evening: 

(1) Ryback vs. Tensai

Tensai bullies Ryback into the corner, but he powers back with hugh right hooks. Tensai connects with a clothesline; he's goes for another but Ryback counters with the Thesz Press, followed by his signature thrusts into the mat. The two attempt to lock up, with Tensai getting the better of it. Tensai connects with a spinebuster and a running back drop, but Ryback kicks out of a pin before the ref could even count to one. 

Ryback throws Tensai to the outside and screams "give me Punk!" Tensai gets thrown into the barricade, off the ring post, and eventually back into the ring. Ryback pumps the shoulder in the corner as the crowd gets behind him with "feed me more!" chants; the meathook clothesline connects! Ryback lifts Tensai up in a huge feat of strength, marches around the ring and puts him away with Shellshock! 

Winner: Ryback

Backstage Sheamus is screaming at a referee after the poor call in his World Championship match last night at Survivor Series. Up next, following our first commercial break, Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston takes on Wade Barrett in a non-title match that could have championship repercussions.