Title This: Impact Wrestling 9-8-2011 Reaction

In Ring Segment Review:

Austin Aries comes in and shh's the crowd. He does a good job getting a crowd reaction. Kendrick comes out and both men go after one another. Aries escapes, as Kendrick yells that he is going to keep his X Division Championship.

Hogan is in the back getting excited and pumped up about what happened earlier with Anderson and Sting. He is all giddy, as Bischoff tells Hogan that No Surrender will have Angle vs. Sting vs. Anderson


Both segments were good, as it built to the Pay Per View. This show needs to be built around what is going to happen on Sunday. They did not waste time, but I do think this "announcement" needed to be in the ring in front of the live crowd. You cannot simply announce this type of match in a backstage segment. Aries and Kendrick will be great on Sunday as well, as both men have a strong dislike for one another, and the program has been lengthy and personal. Combined, the segment gets a C.

Robert Roode vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray vs. Gunner Review:

Samoa Joe rushes down, but Matt Morgan stops him from entering the ring. Morgan attacks Joe as security breaks them up. Gunner and Bully Ray attack Storm and Roode. Storm connects with fists to Gunner and clotheslines him off the rope. Bully clotheslines Storm, but Roode gets the best with a clothesline. Beer Money double teams Ray, and stops Gunner in his tracks.Storm gets knocked out and yells at Gunner. Storm jumps off the top with a crossbody then hits a neckbreaker. Roode hits a neckbreaker on Bully and connects with a spinebuster on Gunner. Beer Money tries for a suplex, but Bully hits a double clothesline. Storm gets a Bubba Bomb from Ray, but Gunner hits a running knee and picks up the victory.


A solid pace of the match where it showed basically a tornado tag team match. Beer Money really gets the crowd going, which I love because there are the best tag team in wrestling. There was chaos, and I did like seeing Gunner win, because he is the only one who did not speak tonight. He steals a win, and shocks Bully Ray. That is exactly what you need to do in a match to keep every man relevant. Gunner is not my favorite in the match, but he needed the win more than the others to give the crowd a question. The match was faced paced, connected on all level of power and athleticism. There was a lot of ground and pound action, and we saw why Beer Money is so popular. This segment gets a B.

Jeff Hardy Returns:

We see Hardy slowly walk to the ring, and picks up a microphone looking sad. He says he does not deserve the cheer, but thanks them. He thanks the Network for letting him come out. He says the last time he was in the ring, he was pathetic and messed up. He says he failed miserably, and let everybody down. He says at Victory Road he hit rock bottom. He does not want people to forgive him, but all he asks is for another shot. This ends Impact.


Real, seemingly heart felt, and it made me want to see what he does next week. Will he change? Will Hardy actually care? I have always criticized what type of person he is, and it showed at Victory Road. He does not care about anyone but himself, and he has always been a guy who has been given opportunities, and let them go to hell. All i can say is I hope this was what "he" wanted to say, and not what TNA wanted him to say. This segment gets  a B. Still alot to wonder about Jeff Hardy.


Impact Wrestling lacked great bell to bell matches, but it built up basically every match on the No Surrender Pay Per View. I liked seeing the interest and time for BFG Series, which gives us 4 guys who are tangled together. It makes us wonder who will win after the Gunner pinfall victory, but my odds are Roode or Ray. Both of these guys are ones who have been built up in different ways. Kendrick and Aries had enough time for us to remember how good of a match it will be. Young/Robbie E should not have been on the card, as it has no effect on the PPV.  We got more talking and more story building, which I was alright with. I like seeing Hardy end the show, but not before a PPV. Hold it off for another week or two, and that would have fit better. This show, overall, gets a C+.

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.



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