Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 12-15-2011


In Ring Segment:

Kurt Angle calls out Sting and asks him for a rematch against James Storm. Sting says no. Angle then says he is going to show how badass he is by going to Storm's house and beat everyone up.

I feel like this feud will continue for a few months, and then we will get Angle vs. Sting for some control angle like we have had before. They seem to recycle some storylines, but that is all that wrestling is about. Grade: B-

Anthony Nese vs. Zema Ion

What I Liked:

A fast paced match that featured great athleticism. Ion is a guy who can really become an entertaining X Division Champion with the right build and feud. Nese was not bad as well, but you can tell who had the advantage booking wise. The 450 splash was great, and the spinning heel kicks seemed to connect every time. Chemistry and spot timing were great here.

What I Disliked:

Nothing really to note, except to see if they will build Ion, or if this is just a filler in a show that is built around other storylines.

Grade: A-

Jesse Neal vs. Gunner:

What I Liked:

The ruthless aggression that Gunner possesses with his look and style is really good. He has a ways to go to sell his character, but a DDT on the exposed floor fits well with what they are trying to do with his character. I really thought this match should have been given more time, as I was interested in the pairing. This seems to be their way of writing off Neal.

What I Disliked:

I still am not sold on Flair being with Gunner. I understand the logic behind it, but I wonder if his personality is similar enough to Gunner's. I will give it time to grow, but I would keep an eye on if Flair is actually helping Gunner or hurting him from expanding his characteristics. Also, the match was not much to talk about in ring.

Grade: C


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